Imediately after my prayer I got to work on my school work and spent hours doing it. As I did this, my husband came in and asked what was for breakfast, I let him know that I had lots to accomplish before my first class and asked if cerial and milk would be okay. He replied that no it wasn't and he would be making breakfast. He made blueberry pancakes (let's be honest, I don't make them!) and he lovingly took the time to feed me before my class. God answered by showing me that I was loved and cared for by a good man and a wonderful husband.
Later, as I was in the office and a friend came in and sat with me and we talked for a while. She shared a story about a young lady who was giving my friend a ride home. As they drove the Lady started to cry and my friend was uncertain of what to do. She had the thought come to her mind to ask Jorden to come and give her a blessing. He was on the college campus and when she called he asked if it could wait for 20 minutes, and she said, "No, the sooner the better." 10 minutes later he was at the door. Jorden had dropped everything that he was doing to go and assist others in need. I realized that this simple act, unnoticed by most, taught me that being willing to be selfless is something that will and can come naturally in the times of need. this had been weighing upon my heart for a few weeks, and God showed me that it is by the simple things that great things come to pass.
Later this evening, I was returning a pickup to the farm, and as I was driving, I felt overwhelmed with all the things that I felt I needed to accomplish. I thought about my inadequacies, imperfections, the things I need to improve and correct in my life and I wondered what I was to do?! As I drove off the freeway into the small farm town and I felt in me, that I needed to call Mother Ball. I didn't have anything really to talk about, but I decided to call her anyways. Mother Ball let me know that she was on a walk, and she said that I could come and talk with her. I pulled up to the house and sat on the porch in a rocking chair. When she came up to the house, I walked out and immediately I knew what I needed and desired most was a hug from her. I asked for a hug, and as she gave me a hug it was as if it was a hug from my Heavenly Father, and I knew that God loved me and answered my prayers, and that Mother Ball was a good woman who was willing to do the things that God asked of her.
These things seem simple yet each in their own way has let me know that when I pray to my God he hears and answers the simple prayers of my heart.
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